About Arte Maren

About Arte Maren: International Speaker, Business Consultant and Author of “The Natural Laws of Management: The Admin Scale” (now available at Arte Maren has been termed “a master of training and business methodology”. He has been an international keynote speaker, corporate trainer and private consultant on all facets of management for associations, corporations, business owners and professional practices for over 25 years. He has made extensive presentations to sales, management, manufacturing, professional and retail-related audiences. Traveling all over the world, Arte has appeared on radio and television in some eight countries and across the USA, on such shows as Larry King, Tom Snyder and Voice of America. Watch Arte Maren-hosted episodes of BusinessWise, the nationally distributed TV show at A sampling of Arte Maren’s client and workshop attendee list includes such companies and associations as Nestle Corporation, Chrysler Corporation, IBM, Teledyne, American Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Bank of America, Del Taco, AAMCO, Meeting Planners International and hundreds more.
ARE YOUR BUSINESS, FAMILY AND LIFE FULLY ALIGNED A MOVING FORWARD? Or are you wasting precious time and energy, going many directions at once and not making rapid progress towards your goals? The Natural Laws of Management: The Admin Scale will help you discover what is truly important and give you tools to coordinate and align your actions and energies so that you can build the momentum and power you need to succeed.
With The Natural Laws of Management: The Admin Scale you will learn the highly effective tools of L. Ron Hubbard’s Administrative Scale of Importance (a powerful technology of coordination and alignment), also known as the Admin Scale. You will learn to recognize and act upon what is actually important in the management of your business, and in life situations as well. As a result, you will receive more return for the personal energy you invest. With a fully aligned business family and personal life, you become an unstoppable powerhouse.
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